Daughters of the American Revolution
The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR or DAR) is a service organization open to any woman age 18 years or older who can prove lineal descent from an American Revolutionary War Patriot. Much of the work of DAR is accomplished by volunteers in its chapters across the United States and internationally in order to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism.
The Mogollon Chapter, NSDAR, was organized on April 18, 1992, with 18 members. The chapter actively supports conservation, literacy promotion, veterans and Native Americans in our community.
Contact us to learn more about joining DAR and the Mogollon Chapter.
Our Chapter
In keeping with the objectives of the National Society, chapter members work together on numerous projects in order to promote historic preservation, education, and patriotism. We all have busy lives, so our projects offer ways to contribute that fit our schedules. We keep in touch across our many service projects through monthly meetings, where we enjoy an informative program, a business session, and socializing. Learn more about our activities.
We invite you to contact our chapter registrar who will help you get started in becoming a member of DAR, including tracing your heritage to find an American Revolutionary War Patriot.
Chapter Namesake
The Mogollon Chapter, NSDAR, name was chosen to honor the Mogollon Rim Country with its majestic mountains, beautiful lakes, climate, wildlife, and pure air. The Mogollon Rim was named for Juan Ignacio Flores Mogollon, the governor of New Mexico Territory from 1712-1715, who encouraged and aided the study of prehistoric people who were in America more than 2000 years ago. This group, which came to be known as the Mogollon Culture, moved into Arizona about 200 B.C. The Mogollon name was given to our chapter in honor of Governor Mogollon and the people of the Rim Country across Arizona.

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Website last updated: March 11, 2024
The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.
Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations
or individual DAR chapters.
Photo by chapter member and used with permission.